A Venn Diagram with Dietary, Lifestyle Medical and Environmental factors overlapping

Helping clients with prediabetes or diabetes find balance just got easier!

Diabetes is a complex condition, but it often seems the pathophysiology gets ignored because diet culture has made clients believe “Weight loss can cure diabetes.”

You want to dispel the myth that weight loss cures diabetes and that extreme dietary changes are sustainable. You want to help clients find balance, but the question remains. How? Where would you begin? Learn how to teach balance without glorifying restrictive eating or extreme lifestyle changes using the Four Factors of Diabetes handout.

At The IDC, we want to help you accelerate your understanding.

Learn about the stigma your clients with diabetes are facing

  • Get solutions so it is easy to provide inclusive diabetes care.
  • Improve your client experience
  • Increase client engagement

Learn why stigma is part of diabetes care

  • Unpack key research about 7 forms of stigma.
  • Make your educational sessions less stressful. 
  • Discover how to come alongside clients with ease.
  • Learn about other professional experiences.
  • Share resources that you are currently using!

Case study 

  • Looks at these topics in a real-life context.
  • Work through problems that are specific to your clients
  • Provides a guided application to increase your learning. 

Included EMR Swipe file - 

  • It makes your documenting fasting easier
  • Having a swipe file makes charting easier and faster.

Performance Indicators

  • 8.2.1 Engages in educational activities to maintain knowledge and to obtain new knowledge of diseases and clinical conditions.
  • 9.3.5 Uses a variety of strategies to deliver education.
  • 9.6.8 Develop counseling or coaching goals in collaboration with clients.

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